If you are in option period, we understand your time is limited.
We make it convenient for when you’re in a crunch and need a quick foundation check.
does the foundation need repair?
Do not rely on the opinion of someone who may be out to sell you something.
The value to having us as your foundation inspector:
Our information and advice is independent and unbiased.
We do not sell anything so there is no pressure to buy anything.
No conflict of interest.
We check how the foundation is performing and provide guidance on what's truly needed.
Most foundations do not actually need foundation repair
and an out-of-level foundation does not mean it needs to be re-leveled.
What most foundations actually need is proper maintenance.
Being educated on how to maintain your foundation properly is the first step in avoiding costly foundation repair.
We explain the interaction between the soil and the foundation.
We teach you ways to minimize foundation movement.
We show you how to protect and maintain your foundation.
If our inspection reveals the foundation may benefit from repair or re-leveling,
industry pricing is included in our report.
This provides peace of mind and allows you to confidently move forward.